Journalism, Bias & Censored news

Money, Leverage and Politics

I recently began teaching a course on the regulation of “networks, platforms and public utilities,” using a 2022 casebook by the same name. It is from a group of progressive legal scholars who are...

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Hiding Illegality in Plain Site

Much of the energy world is waiting on the Trump Administration to disperse funds that Congress directed to be used to support specific types of energy projects. The Administration's withholding of...

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Don’t watch, read

The poet Robert Burns once wrote, "Be merry, I advise. But as we be merry, may we also be wise."  As Republicans aim to roll back climate policy progress it is increasingly difficult for the climate...

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Retuning Our Sense of Media Bias

Can you have a healthy democracy without a common set of facts? This is the question of 21st century U.S. politics, and the linked article (subscription required) uses it to explain the ways in...

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Intentional vs. Unintentional Fake News

In chapter 4 of Climate of Contempt I summarize the academic literature showing how (1) online platform algorithms mislead and anger us, and (2) political persuaders use that anger to push us toward...

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Of all the political communication pathologies worsened by modern media technology, one of the lesser-known is “rage-farming.” It's an old idea in new clothes. Their biographers detail the pettiness...

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“Flooding the zone with s**t”

As I have noted in several other posts (e.g. here and here), a second Trump presidency would represent a setback for the energy transition because of Republicans' turn away from green energy and...

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Celebrating Good Energy Transition Journalism

In chapter 4 of Climate of Contempt I explore the way competition from social media and advocacy journalism has crowded out – and changed – traditional journalism. And I use this blog to point out...

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Annotating Advocacy Journalism – Episode #1

Let’s look at two April 2024 examples of misleading journalism. On April 12, 2024 the Daily Caller ran a piece entitled “Electricity Prices Have Risen Seven Times Faster Under Biden Than Trump.” It...

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