This blog discusses the issues raised in Climate of Contempt, as applied to developments after the book went to press in February 2024. I try to post about every 5 days.

Health, Safety & Freedom

Several years ago, a friend of mine presented a paper at a law school whose faculty is known for its conservative ideological bent. The paper described a regulatory agency’s analysis showing that the public health benefits of a particular regulation far exceeded its...

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Transitions To Authoritarianism Sneak Up On Us — Part 2

In an earlier post I noted the growing list of scholars who warn of parallels between historical transitions from democracy to repressive dictatorships, on the one hand, and U.S. politics today, on the other. Part of what they see has to do with the recent...

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Everything is Great, Everything is Terrible

Chapter 3 of Climate of Contempt describes the politics of climate policymaking in the 21st century, including internecine conflicts among Democrats that are partly generational. By now, it probably goes without saying that overcoming intraparty conflict is crucial to...

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“It’s Hard to Be Humble”

In 1980, a country music artist named Mac Davis had a hit with a song called "It’s Hard to be Humble." The opening lines were “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble / When you’re perfect in every way.” The song was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but when it comes to...

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The Rhetorical Journey of Eco-Modernists Online

In March of 2024 the Breakthrough Institute’s Ted Nordhaus published an article entitled “Did Exxon Make It Rain Today?” The gist of the article is his claim that most media coverage of climate change catastrophizes the issue, and that climate scientists are complicit...

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“I mow my lawn”

In my 20s I worked at a law firm whose system for evaluating the performance of attorneys included a "public service" component. This was fairly typical back then for big firms, and its aim was to encourage its attorneys to develop broader connections in the community...

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‘Organizing Hatreds’ Is Bad For The Organizer – Part 2

In last chapter of Climate of Contempt, I argue that the future of the energy transition is intertwined with the future of liberal democracy. I write in chapter 6 that only voters can peacefully reverse the “trend of ever-increasing polarization and tribalism," and...

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‘Organizing Hatreds’ Is Bad For The Organizer – Part 1

The grandson and great-grandson of U.S. presidents, Henry Adams, wrote his famous statement about politics being “the organization of hatreds” as an expression of  his disillusionment with politics, especially the political effectiveness of whipping up contempt for...

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Transitions To Authoritarianism Sneak Up On People

One of the central implications of the analysis in Climate of Contempt is that the energy transition is inextricably intertwined with U.S. political dysfunction. In chapter 6 I cite scholars who study transitions from democracy to populist authoritarianism who contend...

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You might be in an ideological bubble if …

Chapter 4 of Climate of Contempt discusses the academic literature on Internet "filter bubbles," and how and why they wind us up emotionally. They close our minds to information and arguments that challenge our beliefs by making that information too emotionally...

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Annotating Advocacy Journalism – Episode #2

The modern media environment damages public understanding of complex issues as much by incentivizing frequent small inaccuracies as by way of bots and deliberate misinformation. Let’s look at another April 2024 example of sloppy journalism that leaves the wrong...

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A Closer Look At Censored News & Its Effects

When talking about censored news feeds in front of groups, I often repeat a sentence from Climate of Contempt to the effect that Democrats and liberals are more likely than Republicans and conservatives to have heard about the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen...

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The Chasm Between Invention and Commercialization

Steve Levine's 2015 book, Powerhouse: Inside the Invention of a Battery to Save the World, tells the story of one of the laboratories competing for  federal (2009 ARRA) stimulus money targeting battery development. Along the way the book illustrates the difficulty of...

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What Is “Capture”?

In chapters 2 and 3 of Climate of Contempt I describe the gap between folk wisdom about corporate dominance of the policymaking process and what empirical political science research says about that issue. That gap is fairly large. As a general matter, well-resourced...

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Celebrating Good Energy Transition Journalism

In chapter 4 of Climate of Contempt I explore the way competition from social media and advocacy journalism has crowded out – and changed – traditional journalism. And I use this blog to point out examples of the kind of incomplete picture of the politics and the...

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Conservatives’ Dilemma

Because my book is aimed at the climate coalition -- and how misunderstanding of regulatory politics by some of its members slows energy transition policymaking -- many of my examples of over-the-top online communication come from within that coalition. But I also...

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The Biden power plant rule’s uncertain prospects

Most plans to stabilize atmospheric carbon in time to avoid the worst effects of global warming rely heavily on rapid reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the electricity sector. We have the proven technologies that would allow us to do so relatively...

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Politics = Salience + Framing + Emotion

There is an old axiom (sometimes attributed to Carl Sandburg) that trial attorneys know: "When the law is against you, argue the facts. When the facts are against you, argue the law." The 1990s courtroom/family drama "Picket Fences" featured a wily defense attorney...

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Annotating Advocacy Journalism – Episode #1

Let’s look at two April 2024 examples of misleading journalism. On April 12, 2024 the Daily Caller ran a piece entitled “Electricity Prices Have Risen Seven Times Faster Under Biden Than Trump.” It began with this: Electricity prices have experienced a significant...

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Why state, local and private initiatives are second best

Paralyzed by negative partisanship, Congress is unable to craft regulatory legislation to tackle climate change by limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As the costs of climate change grow larger with increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon, and become more...

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“It’s the Voters, Stupid”

The transition to a much lower carbon energy system will (eventually) require congressional legislation. That implies a significant change in the positions of existing members of Congress and/or change in the composition of Congress. Both types of change depend, in...

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Why This Blog?

I intend for this blog to serve as a continuing resource for students, journalists and others who are interested in avoiding the distorted picture of the energy transition – and its politics – that online news and information presents to each of us. As with the rest...

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