Political Communication & Dysfunction

Selected Academic Resources

 Safeguarding Democracy Project, UCLA School of Law

 Karsh Center for Law & Democracy, University of Virginia

 State Democracy Research Initiative, University of Wisconsin School of Law

 Democracy Law Project, University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law

 Democracy Center, University of Rochester

Podcasts on Cognitive Psychology & Politics

See especially …

9/21/20 – The Halo Effect
9/14/20 – Why Nobody Feels Rich
7/27/20 – The Edge Effect
12/2/19 – The Heat of the Moment

2/2/240 – The Psychology of Political Beliefs
Undated – Fear Less
Undated – Living With Our Differences
Undated – Escaping the Matrix

See especially …

1/11/24 – How Our Brains Process Reading Vs. Listening
1/26/24 – The Psychology of Risk
2/13/24 – Risk Assessment
2/16 & 2/23/24 – The Case for Curiosity, Parts I and II
10/27/23 – The Lying Brain
8/25/23 – Gaslighting
6/9/23 – Adversarial Collaboration
4/7/23 – The Influencer