Dec 5, 2024 | Blog, Framing and the Energy Transition Debate, News, Partisanship, Elections and the Energy Transition
Note: This is the third in a series of posts auditing the political analysis (and corresponding prescription) in Climate of Contempt. The first two were here and here.] Longtime denizens of #Climate and #Energy social media communities will be familiar with the...
Nov 5, 2024 | Blog, Democracy and Transitions to Authoritarianism, Partisanship, Elections and the Energy Transition
Whatever the outcome of today’s voting, we will learn something from it. And I will post some reactions to specific races and what they signify for stronger climate policy on 11/10 and succeeding days. It is likely that around 70 million Americans (or more) will...
Oct 20, 2024 | Blog, Partisanship, Elections and the Energy Transition
No matter what happens on Election Day, members of the climate coalition can use it to recalibrate their sense of how energy transition politics works, and to better understand the modern GOP’s growing opposition to clean energy and greenhouse gas regulation....
Jun 10, 2024 | Blog, Framing and the Energy Transition Debate
The grandson and great-grandson of U.S. presidents, Henry Adams, wrote his famous statement about politics being “the organization of hatreds” as an expression of his disillusionment with politics, especially the political effectiveness of whipping up contempt for...
Jun 5, 2024 | Blog, Energy Transition Policy & Policymaking, Partisanship, Elections and the Energy Transition
[Note: This is the second in a series of posts looking at how the political analysis (and corresponding prescription) in Climate of Contempt could turn out to be wrong. The first post was here.] Some people, particularly those at the ideological poles of each party,...